For media interviews please call:
For questions referring to watershed protection please call:
Ruth - 250 653 4442
Sally - 250 537 9784
Tine - 250 653 9850
Calls between 9 am and 10pm Pacific time only, please..
Andrea Collins - 250 653 4900
Harry Warner - 250 653 4041
Tom Gossett - 250 537 9281
Kevin Doyle - 250 384 4648.
Calls between 9 am and 10pm Pacific time only, please..
One of several trashed streams,
Mt. Bruce. Photo: Osman Phillips
"We will evaluate the land before harvesting to ensure that we do not damage creeks....Riparian and site specific sensitive areas will be protected with a twenty meter setb
Texada Corp. Code of Principles
The National Film Board of Canada
The Battle for S
alt Spring
Directed by Mort Ransen
Produced by Gillian Darling Kovanic
Recent purchases and moratoriums on logging show that we can succeed!
We have three on-going campaigns:
Details and links to all these funds are below
Protect the Source!
The Salt Spring Island Water Preservation Society is asking for your help.
The primary watershed of Mount Maxwell has been purchased.
The secondary wa
tershed is being offered to the North Salt Spring Water District for $1.5 million.
Your contribution however large or small is welcome.
$110 Million Biodiversity Protection Package Needs YOUR Support NOW!!!
Right now, the federal government and the BC government are negotiating the largest land acquisition funding agreement for new protected areas in CANADIAN HISTORY.
The proposed deal may save lands on Salt Spring Island. You can help!
of Criminal Contempt of Court
March 3, at the Supreme Court of British Columbia
the forest defenders
Rodney McGuckin: 60 days imprisonment
A.P. (minor): 6 months probation, prohibited from attendance at any logging protest in province
N. G. (minor): 15 days imprisonment, 6 months probation prohibited from engaging in any protests
against logging industry in this province
M. D. (minor): 10 days imprisonment, 6 months probation
Jason Flis: 30 days imprisonment
Jonathan Ledrew: 15 days imprisonment
Bee Nevill: Suspend any sentence.
Aylwin Catchpole: 1 day imprisonment, 6 months probation, prohibited from engaging in any protes associated against the logging industry in this province. 120 hours of community service in next 3 months
div align="center">
Lady Godiva
Rides Again!
The Press coverage
The Press Release
Logging Truck blockaded in downtown Ganges, Nov. 27. Woman arrested.
Click HERE

Without Manulife Financial Corporation's $16,000,000 in mortgage financing, the Texada Land Corporation would not have the operating capital to be clear-cutting our forests at 15-20 times the sustainable rate. More
Over 1000 individuals and
businesses have contributed
directly to the campaign!
Mt. Tuam, Trashed stream (More photos)
photo: Osman Phillips
Note: Texada was fined for doing this. See article below or click HERE
On November 1, 1999 almost 5000 acresover one tenthof Salt Spring Island was purchased by the newly formed Texada Land Corporation. This area is in the southwest part of the island and is the largest undeveloped area of the Southern Gulf Islands. It includes the forested hills along the Fulford Valley, parts of Mount Tuam and Mount Maxwell, and both shores of Burgoyne Bayall part of the magnificent picture-postcard views that visitors from around the world come to see. Ninety percent of these lands contain sensitive, rare, or endangered ecosystems.
The new owners are logging heavily. As logging on these lands is unregulated, they have a legal right to do so. The scale and speed of this unregulated logging operation seriously jeopardizes (more)
Maxwell Lake - slated for logging to within 1000 ft. of the shore. Photo Osman Phillips
Proposal for the inclusion of Salt Spring Island in the Gulf Islands National Park.
Read the proposal
Saltspring logging protest will migrate to Germany
Whose woods these are, I think I know
The Save Salt Spring Society
The Save Salt Spring Society is a registered non-profit organisation that acts as an advocate for the future economic, environmental, and cultural health and diversity of Salt Spring Island. We believe that we can best achieve our mandate through research, education, and consultation. To that end we encourage the participation of all Islanders, thereby ensuring that our organisation accurately reflects the views and concerns of the broadest possible spectrum of individuals. As part of our initial development we are seeking people to share ideas, time, skills, or enthusiasm in helping us achieve our goals. We are thrilled that Mr. Robert Bateman and Mr. Arthur Black have agreed to endorse our society as patrons. Over the next few days and weeks well be announcing the names of other individuals who are generously committing to our cause.
Society Petitions BC Supreme Court
Developer Dismisses Action as "flim-flam"
The societys petition, which was filed in the B.C. Supreme Court registry in Victoria on December 6, seeks a court order requiring the B.C. government to take all necessary steps to preserve the drinking-water sources on Salt Spring Island. Alternatively, the society is seeking a court order that the government stop clearcuts on the island until measures are adopted similar to the commercial logging bans in the V
ictoria and Vancouver watersheds.
"...The reform of the forest industry was the most important task at hand when the NDP was first elected nine years ago. But like many other things,
the New Democrats have bungled it badly and will leave a legacy of stumps and clear-cuts, instead of the vibrant industry and strong forest resource they promised in opposition..... And on Saltspring, a lush island between Victoria and Vancouver, local residents are struggling against the clear-cut logging of forests on 10 per cent of the island, including the trees that surround the drinking water supply...."
Sid Tafler
The Globe & Mail, March 6, 2000
Texada fined for trashing stream
The company at the centre of a huge logging controversy on Salt Spring Island has been fined $13,000 for damage to a local stream. Kirk Miller, chief executive officer of the Land Reserve Commission, imposed the fine on Texada Land Corporation on September 18 for violating Section 9 of the Private Land Forest Practices Regulation.
Read the entire story
One tree in this pile was 267 years old.
Photo: Tamar Griggs
"We will be harvesting second growth timber only"
Texada Corp. Code of Principles

Ian Waddell, BC Minister of Environment
Ujjal Dosanjh, BC Premier
Gordon Wilson, BC Minister of Forests
Gary Lunn, MP Saanich-Gulf Islands
David Anderson, Minister of the Environment
Gordon Campbell, Leader, BC Liberal Party
Murray Coell, MLA Saanich N. & the Islands
Rob McDonald, Principal, Texada Corporation
Manulife Financial
Request for Donations (print pledge forms)

Click on the image to see video quotes from the
CBC-TV report

in Real Video
To obtain the free Real Video Player click here:

Not illegalneither is it right
by Arthur Black
An excerpt from a keynote speech delivered by Arthur Black to 550 foresters, government leaders and environmental representatives at the National Forest Millennial Conference in Thunder Bay, Ontario, earlier this month:
The purpose of this community website is to provide ongoing information about the Texada development on Salt Spring Island by posting authored material, maps, photos, press reports, reports of events and meetings and links to other relevant sites. Please send any comments to the
Awarded Nov. 14